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Commercial Services: Services

Commercial Services

The capabilities of drones now allow for a wide range of commercial applications at an affordable price point. The below list is not exhaustive but serves to give an idea of the variety of applications as well as the versatility of the photography and videography from a drone platform.

Precision Farming - Using a special sensor capable of acquiring multi-spectral imagery, crop health can be regularly monitored on a scale previously only possible through helicopter or plane based platforms. The ability to Identify early in the growing season crops that are struggling can help maximise your yield.


Archaeological Investigations - Aerial imagery has long been used to identify potential archaeological sites. Now instead of relying on expensive aerial or satellite imagery, drone imagery can be collected at a fraction of the price. Once orthorectified, images can be further analysed within a GIS environment. Combined with the 3D photogrammetry capabilities of drones there is huge potential in this field. During the summer of 2018 a number of previously unknown sites were discovered in Ireland and the UK.

Infrastructure Inspections - From wind turbines to bridges, a drone platform provides the opportunity to acquire high resolution photographs and 4K videos from areal overviews to close distance. An ideal way of carrying out initial inspections with minimal man power.

Golf Course Flythroughs - From tee box to flag, drones can provide video flythroughs showcasing your course. These videos are perfect for your club website or used to advertise your golf club.

Promotional Materials - From advertising, building site time lapse videos, video footage for a presentation - drones can collect imagery from a unique perspective. Give your clients an eagle-eye view and change there perspective. Most recently this service has been used by Trinity College Dublin to collect video footage for the Dwr Uisce Research Project

If you have any questions about any of the services listed here, if you wish to discuss a specific project or if you have any queries about any applications that aren't here please get in touch below. 

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